Hire me to facilitate your workshop
I love facilitating workshops. I love collaborating with people to create a workshop that meets a group's needs. Please reach out via email to inquire about hiring me as a guest artist/facilitator.
Who: I've worked with people ages 4-80. I specialize in working with teenagers.
What: Below are workshop topics I have led in the past and would be enthusiastic to lead again:
- meeting design and facilitation using popular education
- linoleum block carving and printing
- zines and other bookmaking projects
- protest poster design
- public art and art activism
- storytelling through comics
- animating paper puppets with stop motion
- mail art
When: I have availability starting August 2024 for one-off workshops as well as a series of workshops, where I come multiple times to the same group of people.
Where: I do not drive but can bike or transit around the Boston area.
How much: Depending on the organization's budget, my fees have been between $100-500 per workshop. This includes the design and planning process. Workshops are usually between 1-4 hours. When proposing an offer, please keep in mind that I will be taxed 15% as a self employed person during tax season.
For organizations who do not have funds available, I will consider volunteering if I am very interested and have time in my schedule.